To help answer some of the questions we are often asked, we’ve provided a list of those most frequently asked. Please get in touch if you cannot find an answer in our FAQs.
30 Day Portuguese Beginners Course - What will I learn?
This course is a very good introduction to the language and it gives students a solid grounding. You will learn the basics of the language and lots of vocabulary.
Where can I park?
We’re in the historical centre of Lagos and only residents’ cars are allowed in.
But there are 2 underground car parks and other parking places within easy walking distance of the school:
I see you have a 2 for the price of 1 special offer for private lessons. Can you find a student to have lessons with me?
We’re sorry, but this special offer is only for friends, family or colleagues.
Do you organise accommodation for students?
We have stopped doing this as we realised it is less expensive if accommodation is booked online directly by students. The online sites have bigger discounts than we can arrange locally. We can give students a list of useful links but try or
I'd like to book a set of 10 private lessons. Is it okay if I have to miss some weeks or even longer?
Yes, of course. Sets of lessons can be interrupted at any time. And it’s possible for students to have online lessons when they are away.
What is your policy on cancelling private lessons?
Students have to cancel lessons with a minimum of 24 hours’ notice.
In the case of 2 students having private lessons together, both students need to cancel. And if it’s a private group of 3 or more students, all the students need to cancel.
I'm going to apply for Portuguese citizenship. Do you give lessons for the exam that has to be taken?
This is the CAPLE exam, and yes we prepare students for this. Look at for more information.
My husband and I would like to have private Portuguese lessons. We have a new baby but no babysitter. Can we bring her to the lessons?
Yes of course, you are most welcome to bring her
I'd love to have lessons but I live quite far away from Lagos and I don't want to leave my dog home alone. Can I bring him?

We are happy for students to bring pets, and have dog mats and drinking bowls. But this would have to be for private lessons, not group courses.
I have to transfer my course fees from my UK account. I don't have a Portuguese bank account. And my UK bank charges quite a high fee for transfers. Can you help?
We have a UK sterling bank account. Please contact us for details. Alternatively, services such as TransferWise can be used.